Synthetic biology

Synthetic biology

Most of the efforts of biological research, both in studying healthy organisms as well as disease states, is focused either on studying the whole live cell (or organism), or on studying isolated reactions between few purified and well defined components in vitro. Most biological processes are not isolated events of interaction between few components, but rather complex interconnected networks built of often multifunctional nodes (proteins acting on many targets). The in vitro studies give results that are less relevant to natural biology – since an experiment with a few purified components does not acknowledge the vast complexity of a natural system. On the other hand, live cell studies are notoriously hard to reproduce and interpret, due to the variability between live subjects, as well as due to the inherent complexity of biology (cross-talk between the studied process and other pathways, or background signal from unrelated processes is often present).
Synthetic minimal cells deliver a solution bridging the existing gap between in vitro and live cell research: use synthetic minimal cells to investigate multicomponent gene pathways, combining the advantages of in vitro systems with the relevancy and complexity approaching that of whole cell studies.

Reading and controlling cells is the core purpose of modern synthetic biology, and the overarching goal of all biomedical studies. Both studying mechanisms of most diseases, as well as investigating healthy cellular processes, is currently done as either in vitro or live cell experiments. In vitro research methods are easy to use, cheap and efficient way to obtain information about behavior of specific, well defined protein or nucleic acid complexes or single enzymes, or to characterize small molecule interactions between metabolites or drugs and their specific biological targets. However, since life is structured in complexes that involve many components organized in precise 3D assemblies, the in vitro experiments often only deliver information about small snapshot of this complex, natural system. Studies of live cells allow to obtain truly biologically relevant information about complex pathways, but at significantly higher cost, and with results that are harder to interpret and often less reproducible. The variability between live cell subjects and the underlying intricacy of interconnected biological networks constantly interacting with each other makes signal measured in live cell experiments often more noisy and the experiment itself difficult to design.
Synthetic minimal cells offer a platform that allows studying complex genetic pathways, while keeping the complexity of the system at a level that still allows us understanding fully what the system contains and how to engineer it. Our research focuses on building tools for general use in many areas of synthetic biology, as well as studying some specific cases of complex biological processes, both healthy and diseased, that are not accessible by studying natural complex cells.