

Astrobiology is studying past, present and future of the life on the Universe. Synthetic cells are the perfect tool to answer many of the questions typically asked by astrobiologists, including engineering synthetic cells to resemble earliest terrestrial life forms for studying of the origins of life on Earth, engineering synthetic cell systems to explore possibilities of biochemistries yielding life on other planets, and exploring possible future evolution scenarios for various life forms. Using synthetic cells we can ask many questions about “weird life” events and alternative life forms, questions that would be nearly impossible to answer studying modern, complex terrestrial cells.

Our work is driven by the question of what is the multidimensional niche space for life, and what are the molecular mechanisms of these boundary physicochemical conditions of life? This leads naturally to the questions of how does terrestrial life responds to changes at those boundary conditions, and can synthetic biology be used to expand these? We aim at defining comprehensive matrix describing mechanisms in which environment restricts basic processes of biology, and developing framework for studying and designing living systems around those limitations.

Exploring the Informational Transitions Bridging Inorganic Chemistry and Minimal Life

Understanding what separates life from non-life is critical to solving some of the great outstanding questions in science, such as how life first emerged and how we might unambiguously detect life on other worlds. The transition from non-living to living matter has been notoriously difficult to quantify, limiting our ability to develop the necessary theory for understanding life or its universal properties. One of the most significant challenges is the complexity of the examples of life available to study, which represent the product of more than 3.5 billion years of evolution. Systems representing the intermediate stages of complexity between simple chemistry and modern biology are only now becoming accessible to study in the lab with advances in systems chemistry and minimal synthetic life, respectively. These have not yet been connected to explore the uncharacterized landscape between simple chemical systems and the much more complex biochemical architectures characteristic of life today. Our project is an unprecedented opportunity to systematically study the full pathway from non-life to life through a synthesis of bottom-up chemistry, top-down minimal biology and fundamental theory. We aim to build very simple systems from chemical and biological parts, and by studying varying stages of programmed complexity and autonomy, systematically evaluate the transitions in information through which these become more life-like, self-referential entities. 

Thank you for support: Templeton Foundation.