
Synthetic cells 101

TED talk on synthetic life
Kate presented concept of building synthetic minimal cells, with its biotechnological, biomedical and basic science implications, in a TEDx talk .


Selected editorials and popular audience owerviews

The effort towards building life in the lab and elucidating the origin and earliest evolution of life has always been receiving interest from broad audience.

STAT magazine published nice overview of efforts to build artificial life, From chemicals to life: Scientists try to build cells from scratch.

This great editorial in Science is intorducing new, exciting paper and highlighting interesting aspects of building synthetic cells.

Excellen editorial in Nature, describing rationale of engineering synthetic life, and the most common approaches to various problems we’re facing en route to a synthetic cell.
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Kate’s article on personalised medicine using synthetic cell technologies

iBiology synthetic cell talks:

Part 1: Synthetic Cells: Building Life to Understand It

Part 2: Synthetic Cells: Approach and Applications

Some examples of the astrobiology focus: a review detailing our work on RNA replication in protocells: Angewandte Chemie International Edtion Citric Acid and the RNA World 2014, 53, 5245 – 5247, external link (local copy pdf)

Aaron and Kate did NPR podcast on the origin of life – Brains on!

Our work on protocells have been featured in science news outlets and editorials, including:
Science Focus: Robert Service, The Life Force, external link (local copy pdf)
BioTechniques: How Cellular Life Evolved 06 Jan 2014 external link (local copy pdf)
Science News: To cook up life, just add citrate 185(1):15 external link (local copy pdf)
Science Daily: Researchers find missing component in effort to create primitive, synthetic cells, external link (local copy pdf)
Chemical & Engineering News: Lab-Made Protocells Show Hints Of Evolution, 91(21), 2013
The Panda’s Thumb: New Szostak protocell is closest approximation to origin of life and Darwinian evolution so far, external link (local copy pdf)