STAT News piece:
The FDA needs to get ready to evaluate synthetic cells, the next generation of therapeutics
STAT News piece:
The FDA needs to get ready to evaluate synthetic cells, the next generation of therapeutics
Evan presented a poster, and Orion and Kate did a liposome demo at SynCell 2022.
Expanding luciferase reporter systems for cell-free protein expression; |
Kate Adamala wants to make life from scratch! As Professor at University of Minnesota working on the origins of life and building a synthetic cell, Kate’s work touches on astrobiology, synthetic cell engineering, and biocomputing. Kate and her team create tiny bioreactors. These have applications in synthetic biology, drug development and biosensing. Building Artificial Cells with Kate Adamala | Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck 2×05.
Kate gave talk at the Fargo Theater on engineering synthetic life.
Traditional protocols and optimization methods lead to absent expression in mycoplasma cell-free gene expression platform |
Synthetic biology allows us to build minimal cell-like systems, to investigate origin of life and build tools for space exploration.
The life of our Last Universal Common Ancestor | LAS 2021.
Akaby – cell-free protein expression system for linear templates |
Diffusion control in biochemical specificity; |
Switchable DNA-based Peroxidases Controlled by a Chaotropic Ion; |