We hosted Build-a-Cell Workshop #3 in Minneapolis.
Amazing group of people discussing ways to make life.
The Next Revolution: Genome Engineering 2018
Kate presented at Annual Conference of the Genome Writers Guild
Our lab is part of a new project to support large scale developement of biocomputing technologies, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC).
synthetic cells in space!
Our synthetic cell experiment launched today at NASA Wallops!
The take off was luckily uneventfull, we’re excited to start analyzing data now.
Kaitlin Stokes
I am working on a B.S. in Genetics, Cellular Biology, and Development at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and I am expected to graduate in spring 2020. After graduation I plan on going to grad school. Some of my research interests include diseases, drug therapies and delivery, vaccines, stem cells, and synthetic biology. Some of my other interests include shopping, Netflix, and hanging out with friends.
Contact: stoke102@umn.edu
Ben Bachan
Contact: bfbachan@umn.edu
Matthew Pawlak
Contact: pawla019@umn.edu
Three Minute Thesis
Congratulations to Nathan Gaut for winning second place in the UMn 3MT finals!
NSF Synthetic and Artificial Cells Workshop
Kate attended NSF Synthetic and Artificial Cells Workshop in Alexandria VA.
Synthetic Biology USA Congress
Kate gave talk on bioengineering with synthetic cell at 3rd Synthetic Biology USA Congress