New publication

Real-Time Visualization of in Vitro Transcription of a Fluorescent RNA Aptamer: An Experiment for the Upper-Division Undergraduate or First-Year Graduate Laboratory;
Joseph M. Heili, Jose Gomez-Garcia, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Brock W. Cash, Lauren M. Aufdembrink, Brent A. Heffron, Joshua D. Shirley, Erin E. Carlson, Katarzyna P. Adamala, and Aaron E. Engelhart
J. Chem. Educ.,, 2018, 95 (10), pp 1867–1871; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00735
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Kaitlin Stokes

I am working on a B.S. in Genetics, Cellular Biology, and Development at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and I am expected to graduate in spring 2020. After graduation I plan on going to grad school. Some of my research interests include diseases, drug therapies and delivery, vaccines, stem cells, and synthetic biology. Some of my other interests include shopping, Netflix, and hanging out with friends.