Opinion on lab operations in The Scientist
Kate’s Waterloo seminar is posted online. Primer on synthetic cell work in our lab and little bit of the overview of the field.
ComplexityExplorer.org course ‘Origins of Life
Origins of Life: Chemical Comminalties – Early Metabolisms – An Introduction by Kate Adamala.
Kate’s episode on Sean Carroll’s Mindscape podcast is live.
Breakthrough Discuss 2019 was held at UC Berkeley April 11-12, 2019. The theme, “Migration of Life in the Universe,” brought together an all-star group of astronomers, biologists, chemists and other experts to discuss whether and how primitive life can move between planets and stars, and if that is how life began on Earth.
Kate Adamala | Life, But Not Alive: Breakthrough Discuss 2019 .
Great editorial in Science intorducing new, exciting paper and highlighting interesting aspects of building synthetic cells.
Kate published commentary on using synthetic cells to prototype cell circuits in Cell Systems journal.