Kate was a guest of EBRC In Translation podcast, discussing science, safety and security of synthetic cell engineering ebrcintranslation.buzzsprout.com/1581817/9465178-9-building-cells-and-synbio-in-space-w-kate-adamala
Synthetic cells for drug delivery
CRS News published our text about synthetic cells in drug delivery applications.
Synthetic cells: happy middle between liposome drug delivery and engineered natural cells
iBiology synthetic cells
Kate’s iBiology talks on synthetic cells have been published.
Synthetic Cells: Building Life to Understand It
Part 1: Synthetic Cells: Building Life to Understand It
Part 2: Synthetic Cells: Approach and Applications
webinar Synthetic Cells · Artificial Life · Brain-Computer Interfaces · Space Exploration
Life but not alive – Origins Center
Space Explr podcast on building synthetic cells
Kate was a guest of Space Explr podcast, discussing Science And Engineering of Building Synthetic Cells https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fznl9wLtmw
Probable Meets Possible: When Life Gets Weird
Kate Adamala and Trinity Hamilton from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota discuss how tiny life forms on the fringes may illuminate huge truths about life in the universe. What do microbes that live on glaciers and in snow on Earth tell us about the potential for life on Mars? What can a cell made from scratch in a lab reveal about how life may have originated here on Earth—and beyond? This research on extremophiles and synthetic cells provides a unique take on life that may shed important insights into space travel and extraterrestrial life.
Probable Meets Possible: When Life Gets Weird.
Community of Biotechnology talk
Kate gave a seminar for the Community of Biotechnology.
Conversations with Aanika E10: Creating Synthetic Cells with Dr. Kate Adamala
Aanika Biosciences presents conversation series on topics of cutting edge synthetic biology.
Conversations with Aanika E10: Creating Synthetic Cells with Dr. Kate Adamala.
Quanta podcast
Kate helped with Quanta Magazine Bacterial Complexity Revises Ideas About ‘Which Came First?’ podcast.