Emma Gehlbach

I am a fourth year undergraduate studying neuroscience. I have previously worked in clinical research as a coordinator for the COPDGene study and am now working on developing a more efficient method to create liposomes. In my free time, I like reading, running, and hanging out with friends.

Angelin Prasad

Angelin is originally from Aurora, Illinois and has been a part of the Admala-Engelhart lab since 2021. She is currently pursuing a Bachelors in Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development along with a minor in Public Health. When not in lab, you can usually find her reading or exploring the Twin Cities.

Anders Cameron

Anders is a 4th year undergrad who joined the Adamala lab in the summer of 2021. He is working on a project that involves modeling cell compartmentalization in liposomes using coacervate-forming proteins and on a project for modeling PURE. Outside of lab, he likes cross country skiing, mountain biking, traveling, and eating at local restaurants.

Joshua Davisson

Josh completed his undergraduate degree in biochemistry from Montana State University before joining the Adamala-Engelhart lab in 2022. During his undergraduate years, he worked in Dr. Susy Kohout’s lab on voltage sensing phosphatases.
Josh is interested in noncanonical amino acid incorporation, flexizymes, ribosomes, organic synthesis, and cell free protein expression.
He fills his free time with mountains and mimolette, hiking, havarti, and horses, baking, brie, and birding.

Elisabeth Edgerton

Elisabeth Edgerton graduated from UW-Madison in 2012 with a B.S. in Animal Science. She has previously worked for UMN Research Animal Resources and the UMN Veterinary Diagnostic Lab on the St. Paul campus. She is currently working on a computational project modeling the PURE system in synthetic cells.

In her free time, Elisabeth enjoys traveling, computer games, starting various crafting projects, and spending time with her guinea pigs, Piglet and Pooh.

Contact:  edge0033@umn.edu

Abbey Robinson

Contact:  robi1368@umn.edu

Abbey graduated from the University of Missouri in 2018 with her B.S. in Biological Sciences. During her undergraduate years, she worked as a researcher in Dr. Troy Zars’ lab studying thermogenetic tools in Drosophila.

In 2019, Abbey joined the Adamala lab as a graduate student in MCDB&G. Her interests include tool development, astrobiology, and environmental biotechnology. In her free time she enjoys cooking, traveling, and hanging out with her dog, Blue.

Orion Venero

Orion joined the Adamala lab in early 2019; since then, they have focused on the development of tools for synthetic cell engineering, rational RNA design, and using those synthetic biology techniques to elucidate viroid and plastid evolution. Orion joined the BMBB department as a PhD student in 2022.