new publication

Building a community to engineer synthetic cells and organelles from the bottom-up
Oskar Staufer, Jacqueline A. De Lora, Eleonora Bailoni, Alisina Bazrafshan, Amelie S. Ben, kKevin Jahnke, Zachary A. Manzer, Lado Otrin, Telmo Díez Pérez, Judee Sharon, Jan Steinkühler, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Bruna Jacobson, Marileen Dogterom, Kerstin Göpfrich, Darko Stefanovic, Susan R. Atlas, Michael Grunze, Matthew R. Lakin, Andrew P. Shreve, Joachim P. Spatz, Gabriel P. López
eLife, 2021;10:e73556

new publication

Toward synthetic life: Biomimetic synthetic cell communication
Abbey O.Robinson, Orion M.Venero, Katarzyna P.Adamala
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, Volume 64, October 2021, Pages 165-173