Kate attended NSF Synthetic and Artificial Cells Workshop in Alexandria VA.
Synthetic Biology USA Congress
Kate gave talk on bioengineering with synthetic cell at 3rd Synthetic Biology USA Congress
New publication
Lin Jin*, Aaron E. Engelhart*, Katarzyna P. Adamala1, Jack W. Szostak;
JoVE, (132), e57324, 2018, doi:10.3791/57324;
local copy pdf
publisher website link
Build-a-Cell Workshop #2
Kate and Brock were attending Build-a-Cell #2 Workshop, hosted at Stanford.
What is life podcast
Kate participated in What is life conversation about origins and earliest evolution of life , led by Carl Zimmer at Caveat in New York City.
Princeton Envision
Kate talked and run a workshop at 2017 Envision meeting at Princeton.
iGem 2017
Kate is judging 2017 iGem during 2017 Giant Jamboree in Boston.
NASA Biomimicry
Kate talked about synthetic cell technologies for biomimicry at Nature-Inspired Exploration for Aerospace Summit at Ohio Aerospace Institute.
Cell mediated therapy
Kate visited Abbvie to talk about using synthetic cells for cell-mediate therapy.
EON Workshop on Universal Biology
Kate was a speaker at EON Workshop on Universal Biology at ELSI in Tokyo.