News and updates

2025-02-11 21:37:40

The Conversation on mirror life

Mirror life is a scientific fantasy leading to a dangerous reality

2025-02-06 00:17:48

new publication

A roadmap towards the synthesis of Life;
CME Kriebisch, O Bantysh, L Baranda, A Belluati, E Bertosin, K Dai, M de Roy, H Fu, N Galvanetto, JM Gibbs, SS Gomez, G Granatelli, A Griffo, M Guix, CO Gurdap, J Harth-Kitzerow, IS Haugerud, G Häfner, P Jaiswal, S Javed, A Karimi, S Kato, BAK Kriebisch, S Laha, P-W Lee, WP Lipinski, T Matreux, T Michaels, E Poppleton, A Ruf, AD Slootbeek, IBA Smokers, H Soria-Carrera, A Sorrenti, M Stasi, A Stevenson, A Thatte, M Tran, MHI van Haren, Hidde D. Vuijk, SFJ Wickham, P Zambrano, KP Adamala, K Alim, E Sloth Andersen, C Bonfio, D Braun, E Frey, U Gerland, Wilhelm T. S. Huck20, F Jülicher, N Laohakunakorn, L Mahadevan, S Otto, J Saenz, P Schwille, K Göpfrich, CA Weber, J Boekhoven
Chem, 2025, 102399,

2025-01-30 19:35:43

new publication

Quencher-Free Fluorescence Monitoring of G-Quadruplex Folding;
Zachary Parada, Tanner G. Hoog, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Aaron E. Engelhart;
ACS Omega Vol 10 Issue 3 2024

2024-12-18 20:18:53

Mirror cell risks explained

Mirror Bacteria Research Poses Significant Risks, Dozens of Scientists Warn

2024-12-16 22:10:25

new publication

Confronting risks of mirror life;
Katarzyna P. Adamala, Deepa Agashe, Yasmine Belkaid, Daniela Matias de C. Bittencourt, Yizhi Cai, Matthew W. Chang, Irene A. Chen, George M. Church, Vaughn S. Cooper, Mark M. Davis, Neal K. Devaraj, Drew Endy, Kevin M. Esvelt, John I. Glass, Timothy W. Hand, Thomas V. Inglesby, Farren J. Isaacs, Wilmot G. James, Jonathan D. G. Jones, Michael S. Kay, Richard E. Lenski, Chenli Liu, Ruslan Medzhitov, Matthew L. Nicotra, Sebastian B. Oehm, Jaspreet Pannu, David A. Relman, Petra Schwille, James A. Smith, Hiroaki Suga, Jack W. Szostak, Nicholas J. Talbot, James M. Tiedje, J. Craig Venter, Gregory Winter, Weiwen Zhang, Xinguang Zhu, Maria T. Zuber;
Science, 12 2024

2024-12-03 21:47:26

new publication

Technical Report on Mirror Bacteria: Feasibility and Risks;
Adamala, Katarzyna; Agashe, Deepa; Binder, Damon; Cai, Yizhi; Cooper, Vaughn; Duncombe, Ryan; Esvelt, Kevin; Glass, John; Hand, Timothy; Inglesby, Thomas; Isaacs, Farren; Jones, Jonathan; Lenski, Richard; Lewis, Gregory; Medzhitov, Ruslan; Nicotra, Matthew; Oehm, Sebastian; Pannu, Jaspreet; Relman, David; Suga, Hiroaki; Sweere, Johanna; Szostak, Jack;, Nicholas; Wang, Brian;
Stanford Digital Repository, 12 2024

2024-11-07 21:06:11

new publication

Engineering Biology for Space Health: An Innovative Research Roadmap;
Engineering Biology Research Consortium (2024); doi: 10.25498/E4D59R

2024-09-10 20:32:58

new publication

Laws of thought in living cells;
Carlise Sorenson, Katarzyna P. Adamala;
Cell 187, 18, 4830-4832

2024-08-14 02:45:21

new publication

Alternate conformational trajectories in ribosome translocation;
Jose L. Alejo, Dylan Girodat, Michael J. Hammerling, Jessica A. Willi, Michael C. Jewett, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala;
PLoS Comput Biol 20(8): e1012319

2024-07-31 19:46:15

new publication

preprint Nonenzymatic, prebiotic aminoacylation couples chirality of RNA and protein;
Joshua A Davisson, Evan M Kalb, Isaac J Knudson, Alanna Schepartz, Aaron E Engelhart, Katarzyna Adamala

2024-05-20 17:03:08

new publication

Emergent ribozyme behaviors in oxychlorine brines indicate a unique niche for molecular evolution on Mars;
Tanner G. Hoog, Matthew R. Pawlak, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Gloria C. Baxter, Thomas A. Bethel, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Aaron E. Engelhart
Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 3863 (2024),

2024-05-16 18:58:23

new publication

Sequential gentle hydration increases encapsulation in model protocells;
Emma Gehlbach, Abbey O. Robinson, Aaron E. Engelhart and Katarzyna P. Adamala
Discover Life, Volume 54, article number 2, (2024),

2024-05-13 01:06:49

Will the origin of life ever be uncovered? | Kate Adamala, Addy Pross and Chrisantha Fernando

Scientists disagree on the origin of life

2024-04-24 14:11:08

new publication

PACRAT: Pathogen detection with aptamer-detected cascaded recombinase polymerase amplification-in vitro transcription;
Pavana Khan, Lauren Aufdembrink, Katarzyna P Adamala and Aaron Engelhart;
RNA 2024, 10.1261/rna.079891.123

2024-03-26 23:58:21

new publication

Building Synthetic Cells─From the Technology Infrastructure to Cellular Entities;
Lynn J. Rothschild, Nils J. H. Averesch, Elizabeth A. Strychalski, Felix Moser, John I. Glass, Rolando Cruz Perez, Ibrahim O. Yekinni, Brooke Rothschild-Mancinelli, Garrett A. Roberts Kingman, Feilun Wu, Jorik Waeterschoot, Ion A. Ioannou, Michael C. Jewett, Allen P. Liu, Vincent Noireaux, Carlise Sorenson, and Katarzyna P. Adamala
ACS SynBio, March 2024,

2024-03-08 00:38:32

Will the origin of life ever be uncovered? | Kate Adamala, Addy Pross and Chrisantha Fernando

Discussion on the origin(s) of life with Kate Adamala, Addy Pross and Chrisantha Fernando

2024-02-07 21:07:10

Quanta podcast

Quanta Magazine podcast, "Even Synthetic Life Forms With a Tiny Genome Can Evolve".

By watching “minimal” cells regain the fitness they lost, researchers are testing whether a genome can be too simple to evolve.

2024-02-04 02:41:49

new publication

preprint Quencher-free fluorescence monitoring of G-Quadruplex folding;
Zach Parada, Tanner G. Hoog, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Aaron E. Engelhart;

2024-01-25 01:57:50

new publication

Preparing for the Future of Precision Medicine: Synthetic Cell Drug Regulation;
Kira Sampson, Carlise Sorenson, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Synthetic Biology, January 2024,

2024-01-16 19:16:48

new publication

Controlled exchange of protein and nucleic acid signals from and between synthetic minimal cells;
Joseph M Heili, Kaitlin Stokes, Nathaniel J Gaut, Christopher Deich, Jose Gomez-Garcia, Brock Cash, Matthew R Pawlak, Aaron E Engelhart, Katarzyna P Adamala
Cell Systems, Volume 15, Issue 1, 17 January 2024, Pages 49-62.e4

2024-01-14 01:25:02

new publication

Cell-Free Expressed Membraneless Organelles Inhibit Translation in Synthetic Cells;
Abbey O Robinson, Jessica Lee, Anders Cameron, Christine D Keating, Katarzyna P. Adamala
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2024,

2023-12-18 23:49:38

new publication

preprint High yield, low magnesium flexizyme reactions in a water-ice eutectic phase;
Joshua A. Davisson, Jose L. Alejo, Mace Blank, Evan M. Kalb, Angelin Prasad, Isaac J. Knudson, Alanna Schepartz, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala;

2023-12-16 00:19:44

new publication

Present and future of synthetic cell development;
Katarzyna P. Adamala, Marileen Dogterom, Yuval Elani, Petra Schwille, Masahiro Takinoue & T-Y Dora Tang
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 2023 December 15;

2023-11-29 22:32:03

The Art and Science of Synthetic Biology

Kate talked about engineering cells from scratch for biotechnology applications.

podbean link:

2023-10-29 23:43:26

new publication

Trumpet is an operating system for simple and robust cell-free biocomputing;
Judee A. Sharon, Chelsea Dasrath, Aiden Fujiwara, Alessandro Snyder, Mace Blank, Sam O’Brien, Lauren M. Aufdembrink, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Nature Communications, 14, 2257 (2023),

2023-10-15 21:22:49

Building life in the lab

Kate talked about engineering synthetic cells as part of SynBYSS seminar series. Recording on youtube.

2023-08-10 21:21:56

On evolution of minimal cells

Excellent summary of work on the evolution of minimal living cells.

2023-08-10 20:16:08

Summer Undergraduate Research Expo

Congratulations to Berenice Guerra and Hailee Aro for presenting their posters at the Summer Undergraduate Research Expo.

2023-07-09 22:21:32

new publication

Encyclopedia of Astrobiology;
section editor Katarzyna P. Adamala
ISBN 978-3-662-65093-6,

2023-06-07 15:30:57

new publication

Cell-Free Expression System Derived from a Near-Minimal Synthetic Bacterium;
Andrei Sakai, Aafke J. Jonker, Frank H. T. Nelissen, Evan M. Kalb, Bob van Sluijs, Hans A. Heus, Katarzyna P. Adamala, John I. Glass, and Wilhelm T. S. Huck
ACS Synth. Biol. 2023,

2023-05-29 20:16:48

SynCell poster prizes

Congratulations to Evan Kalb and Abbey Robinson for winning poster prizes at SynCell2023.

2023-05-14 21:26:30

Trumpet in the news

Kate and Judee talk about Trumpet biocomputing platform and practical applications for medicine.

2023-05-04 21:23:22

Trumpet biocomputing

Our Trumpet platform summarized with emphasis on biomedical applications.

2023-04-26 20:06:05

Emma's poster

Congratulations to Emma Gehlbach for presenting her poster at the Undergraduate Research Symposium.

2023-04-20 14:12:57

new publication

A gene expression control technology for cell-free systems and synthetic cells via targeted gene silencing and transfection;
Wakana Sato, Melanie Rasmussen, Nathaniel Gaut, Mahima Devarajan, Kaitlin Stokes, Christopher Deich, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2023, 1– 12.

2023-04-10 19:10:42

Building life in the lab - Reason with Science

Kate talked about building life in the lab on the Reason with Science channel. Recording on youtube or podcast website.

2023-04-05 03:25:27

new publication

New Aequorea fluorescent proteins for cell‐free bioengineering;
Christopher Deich, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Wakana Sato, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala
ACS Synth. Biol. 2023,

2023-03-06 23:45:31

Origins initiative

Kate participated in the AAAS panel announcement of the new Origins Initiative.

2023-03-02 23:37:57

space panel

Kate participated in space exploration panel at the Swiss Embassy in DC, hosted by His Excellency Embassador Pitteloud.

2023-02-10 15:53:35

new publication

Parasites, infections and inoculation in synthetic minimal cells;
Brock Cash, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Christopher Deich, Laura L. Johnson, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala
ACS Omega 2023,

2023-01-23 04:01:14

new publication

T7Max transcription system
Christopher Deich, Brock Cash, Wakana Sato, Judee Sharon, Lauren Aufdembrink, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Joseph Heili, Kaitlin Stokes, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala
J Biol Eng 17, 4 (2023)

2023-01-02 18:46:36

Neha Anwar podcast on synthetic cells

Kate was guest of the Neha Anwar podcast, talking about biomedical and other practical applications of synthetic cell engineering. Synthetic cell engineering podcast.

2022-12-28 02:13:47

YoloTalks: Creating artificial cells

Kate was guest of the YoloTalks podcast, talking about artificial cells and space exploration. Youtube: Creating artificial cells, and Spotify version.

2022-11-16 21:24:24

Life as we don't know it

Our lab was featured in CBS Connect article "Life as we don't know it". 

2022-09-12 23:58:11

webinar Building a Synthetic Biology Platform for Drug Delivery

Kate participates in webinar "Building a Synthetic Biology Platform for Drug Delivery" organized by The Scientist. 

2022-08-31 18:26:22

new publication

A ubiquitous amino acid source for prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell-free transcription-translation systems
Nagappa LK, Sato W, Alam F, Makrydaki E, Chengan K, Smales M, von der Haar T, Polizzi KM, Adamala KP, and Moore SJ
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2022,

2022-08-15 17:09:42

new publication

Engineering Ribosomes to Alleviate Abiotic Stress in Plants;
Leticia Dias-Fields and Katarzyna P. Adamala
Plants 2022, 11(16), 2097

2022-08-09 22:28:42

Dr. Gaut!

The first student graduated from our lab. Congratulations, Dr. Gaut!

2022-07-28 15:26:27

Synthetic cell pathway to FDA

STAT News piece:
The FDA needs to get ready to evaluate synthetic cells, the next generation of therapeutics

2022-05-25 23:28:45

SynCell 2022

Evan presented a poster, and Orion and Kate did a liposome demo at SynCell 2022.

2022-05-11 02:39:00

new publication

Expanding luciferase reporter systems for cell-free protein expression;
Wakana Sato, Melanie Rasmussen, Christopher Deich, Aaron E. Engelhart, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Sci Rep 12, 11489 (2022),

2022-05-08 18:39:44

Building Artificial Cells with Kate Adamala | Late Night Conference

Kate Adamala wants to make life from scratch! As Professor at University of Minnesota working on the origins of life and building a synthetic cell, Kate’s work touches on astrobiology, synthetic cell engineering, and biocomputing. Kate and her team create tiny bioreactors. These have applications in synthetic biology, drug development and biosensing. Building Artificial Cells with Kate Adamala | Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck 2x05.

2022-05-06 23:15:13

Fargo Theater public lecture

Kate gave talk at the Fargo Theater on engineering synthetic life.

2022-05-01 23:50:51

new publication

Traditional protocols and optimization methods lead to absent expression in mycoplasma cell-free gene expression platform
Andrei Sakai, Christopher R. Deich, Frank H. T. Nelissen, Aafke J. Jonker, Daniela M. de C. Bittencourt, Christopher P. Kempes, Kim S. Wise, Hans A. Heus, Wilhelm T. S. Huck, Katarzyna P. Adamala, John I. Glass
Synthetic Biology, ysac008 ,

2022-04-25 19:02:59

The life of our Last Universal Common Ancestor

Synthetic biology allows us to build minimal cell-like systems, to investigate origin of life and build tools for space exploration.
The life of our Last Universal Common Ancestor | LAS 2021.

2022-04-04 23:22:53

new publication

Akaby - cell-free protein expression system for linear templates
Wakana Sato, Judee Sharon, Christopher Deich, Nathaniel Gaut, Brock Cash, Aaron E Engelhart, Katarzyna P Adamala
PLoS ONE 17(4): e0266272.

2022-03-21 17:48:02

new publication

Diffusion control in biochemical specificity;
Jose L. Alejo, Christopher P. Kempes, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Biophysical Journal (2022), Volume 121, Issue 8, 19 April 2022, Pages 1541-1548

2022-03-14 21:08:14

new publication

Switchable DNA-based Peroxidases Controlled by a Chaotropic Ion;
Tanner Hoog, Matthew Pawlak, Lauren Aufdembrink, Benjamin Bachan, Matthew Galles, Nicholas Bense, Katarzyna Adamala, Aaron Engelhart
ChemBioChem 2022, 1439-4227,

2022-03-08 23:22:12

Build-a-Cell workshop

Abbey, Anders and Orion presented posters at Build-a-Cell Workshop 8 at Caltech.

2022-02-18 17:26:59

new publication

Making Security Viral: Shifting Engineering Biology Culture and Publishing;
Rebecca Mackelprang, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Emily R. Aurand, James C. Diggans, Andrew D. Ellington, Samuel Weiss Evans, J. L. Clem Fortman, Nathan J. Hillson, Albert W. Hinman, Farren J. Isaacs, June I. Medford, Shadi Mamaghani, Tae Seok Moon, Megan J. Palmer, Jean Peccoud, Elizabeth A. Vitalis, India Hook-Barnard, and Douglas C. Friedman
ACS Synth. Biol. 2022, 11, 2, 522–527,

2022-01-29 19:15:24


Akaby strain for linear TxTl is now available to all non-profit users: Akaby strain and information

2022-01-11 23:43:50

new publication

Liposome Preparation by 3D-Printed Microcapillary-Based Apparatus;
Orion M. Venero, Wakana Sato, Joseph M. Heili, Christopher Deich, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Cell-Free Gene Expression. Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022, vol 2433, pp 227-235

2022-01-06 19:29:33

Artificial cells’ valuable niche in medicine

Advanced Science News piece:
Artificial cells with specialized internal chemistries could revolutionize how we approach precision medicine.

2021-12-29 00:37:48

new publication

Differentiation of Pluripotent Synthetic Minimal Cells via Genetic Circuits and Programmable Mating;
Nathaniel J. Gaut, Jose Gomez-Garcia, Joseph M. Heili, Brock Cash, Qiyuan Han, Aaron E. Engelhart,  Katarzyna P. Adamala
ACS Syn Bio, 2022,

2021-11-30 01:27:47

webinar on synthetic cell engineering

Kate participates in The Dissenter webinar "Synthetic Cells, Cell Evolution, the Origin of Life, and Astrobiology". 

2021-11-18 19:42:25

Engineering synthetic cells for medicine

Build-a-Cell video: Engineering synthetic cells for medicine



2021-11-09 02:23:48

EBRC podcast on safety of synthetic cells

Kate was a guest of EBRC In Translation podcast, discussing science, safety and security of synthetic cell engineering

2021-11-02 04:32:57

new publication

Build-a-Cell: Engineering a Synthetic Cell Community
Caroline Frischmon, Carlise Sorenson, Michael Winikoff and Katarzyna P. Adamala
Life 2021, 11, 1176.

2021-11-02 04:00:26

new publication

Synthetic Cells in Biomedical Applications
Wakana Sato, Tomasz Zajkowski, Felix Moser, Katarzyna P. Adamala
WIREs Nano, e1761,

2021-10-29 19:18:44

Liposome formation device

Our simple, 3D printed liposome formation device is now available to all non-profit users: device, protocols and tutorials

2021-10-04 23:30:52

Synthetic cells for drug delivery

CRS News published our text about synthetic cells in drug delivery applications.

Synthetic cells: happy middle between liposome drug delivery and engineered natural cells

2021-10-04 17:33:41

new publication

Building a community to engineer synthetic cells and organelles from the bottom-up
Oskar Staufer, Jacqueline A. De Lora, Eleonora Bailoni, Alisina Bazrafshan, Amelie S. Ben, kKevin Jahnke, Zachary A. Manzer, Lado Otrin, Telmo Díez Pérez, Judee Sharon, Jan Steinkühler, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Bruna Jacobson, Marileen Dogterom, Kerstin Göpfrich, Darko Stefanovic, Susan R. Atlas, Michael Grunze, Matthew R. Lakin, Andrew P. Shreve, Joachim P. Spatz, Gabriel P. López
eLife, 2021;10:e73556

2021-10-04 15:28:32

new publication

Toward synthetic life: Biomimetic synthetic cell communication
Abbey O.Robinson, Orion M.Venero, Katarzyna P.Adamala
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, Volume 64, October 2021, Pages 165-173

2021-09-29 19:12:54

Trumpet platform

TRUMPET: Transcriptional RNA Universal Multi-Purpose GatE PlaTform is our new biocomputing tool. The web based logic gate design tool is now live on

2021-08-04 23:37:21

iBiology synthetic cells

Kate's iBiology talks on synthetic cells have been published.

Synthetic Cells: Building Life to Understand It

Part 1: Synthetic Cells: Building Life to Understand It


Part 2: Synthetic Cells: Approach and Applications


2021-03-25 19:05:38

webinar Synthetic Cells · Artificial Life · Brain-Computer Interfaces · Space Exploration

Kate participates in webinar Synthetic Cells · Artificial Life · Brain-Computer Interfaces · Space Exploration hosted by the Molecular Programming Interest Group. 

2021-02-10 16:07:52

new publication

Reconstituting Natural Cell Elements in Synthetic Cells
Nathaniel J. Gaut, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Advanced Biology, e2000188

2021-02-05 16:23:47

Santa Fe Institute

Kate participated in the Santa Fe Institute workshop Origins of Life: the Possible and the Actual.


2021-01-22 19:00:10

Life but not alive - Origins Center

Webinars of the Origins Center, the Netherlands: "Life but not alive"
Life but not alive.

2020-12-12 22:36:53

new publication

Spatial multiplexing of fluorescent reporters for dynamic imaging of signal transduction networks
Changyang Linghu*, Shannon L. Johnson*, Pablo A. Valdes, Or A. Shemesh, Won Min Park, Demian Park, Kiryl D. Piatkevich, Asmamaw T. Wassie, Yixi Liu, Bobae An, Stephanie A. Barnes, Orhan T. Celiker, Chun-Chen Yao, Chih-Chieh (Jay) Yu, Ru Wang, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Mark F. Bear, Amy E. Keating and Edward S. Boyden
Cell, Volume 183, Issue 6, Pages 1682-1698.e24

2020-12-09 05:41:59

Space Explr podcast on building synthetic cells

Kate was a guest of Space Explr podcast, discussing Science And Engineering of Building Synthetic Cells


2020-12-05 23:20:31

The Darwin

Kate was guest speaker at Darwin 2020, One of India's Biggest Evolutionary Movements in Biology


2020-11-25 05:20:14

Andromeda Strain and Meaning of Life

Kate participated in Santa Fe Institute podcasts on the Andromeda Strain and Meaning of Life.

with Sara Walker:

with Chris Kempes


2020-10-29 18:53:09

Probable Meets Possible: When Life Gets Weird

Kate Adamala and Trinity Hamilton from the College of Biological Sciences at the University of Minnesota discuss how tiny life forms on the fringes may illuminate huge truths about life in the universe. What do microbes that live on glaciers and in snow on Earth tell us about the potential for life on Mars? What can a cell made from scratch in a lab reveal about how life may have originated here on Earth—and beyond? This research on extremophiles and synthetic cells provides a unique take on life that may shed important insights into space travel and extraterrestrial life.
Probable Meets Possible: When Life Gets Weird.

2020-10-23 05:38:59

Probable Meets Possible: When Life Gets Weird

Popular science podcast on extremes of life: Probable Meets Possible: When Life Gets Weird, by CBS and Bell Museum:


2020-09-22 20:48:17

Community of Biotechnology talk

Kate gave a seminar for the Community of Biotechnology.


2020-09-21 23:49:47

new publication

Rapid deployment of smartphone‐based augmented reality tools for field and online education in structural biology
Tanner G. Hoog, Lauren M. Aufdembrink, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Rou‐Jia Sung, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Aaron E. Engelhart
BMBE Volume 48, Issue 5

2020-06-30 18:58:01

Conversations with Aanika E10: Creating Synthetic Cells with Dr. Kate Adamala

Aanika Biosciences presents conversation series on topics of cutting edge synthetic biology.
Conversations with Aanika E10: Creating Synthetic Cells with Dr. Kate Adamala.

2020-06-19 05:34:50

Conversations with Aanika E10: Creating Synthetic Cells

Short interview about synthetic cell engineering:


2020-06-05 01:33:56

new publication

Highly specific, multiplexed isothermal pathogen detection with fluorescent aptamer readout
Lauren M Aufdembrink, Pavana Khan, Nathaniel J Gaut, Katarzyna P Adamala and Aaron E Engelhart
RNA, June 1, 2020
10.1261/rna.075192.120 RNA 2020
journal link

2020-06-01 00:09:42

Quanta podcast

Kate helped with Quanta Magazine Bacterial Complexity Revises Ideas About ‘Which Came First?’ podcast.

2020-05-25 19:49:01

new publication

Toward artificial photosynthesis
Nathaniel J Gaut and Katarzyna P Adamala 
Science Vol. 368, Issue 6491, pp. 587-588
journal link

2020-04-09 18:47:27

Lab Work Under Isolation

Opinion on lab operations in The Scientist


2020-04-08 18:49:26

EBRC Virtual Annual Meeting

Kate chaired the first session of the EBRC virtual annual meeting:
Cell-Free session


2020-03-27 05:13:47

Center for Genome Engineering

Kate gave seminar for the Center for Genome Engineering, in the new era of zoomeetings.


2020-03-05 05:42:47

Synthetic cell talk online

Kate's Waterloo seminar is posted online. Primer on synthetic cell work in our lab and little bit of the overview of the field.


2020-02-07 05:03:55

Waterloo Institute of Complexity and Innovation

Kate gave a seminar at the Waterloo Institute of Complexity and Innovation.


2020-01-31 05:01:50

Build-a-Cell workshop #6

Theodore, Orion, Kaitlin, Wakana and Kate went to Build-a-Cell Workshop #6 at NASA Ames.


2020-01-24 04:58:24

Breakthrough Foundation Panspermia Workshop

Kate is at Breakthrough Foundation Panspermia Workshop at the ASU Beyond Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science.


2019-12-04 01:08:00

Cell-Free Systems Boston

Kate, Judee and Lauren are at Cell-Free Systems Conference in Boston.



2019-11-21 02:17:36

P3 Dystopia

Kate's episode on P3 Dystopia show is now live.


2019-11-20 01:03:27

Iowa State seminar

Kate was visiting Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development at the Iowa State University.


2019-11-18 05:16:06

new publication

Connectome of synthetic cells: Comment on “What would a synthetic connectome look like?” by Ithai Rabinowitch;
Jose L.Alejo, Katarzyna P. Adamala
Physics of Life Reviews, 2019 Nov 12

2019-11-14 00:49:07

new publication

Enabling community-based metrology for wood-degrading fungi;
Rolando Perez, Marina Luccioni, Nathaniel Gaut, Finn Stirling, Rohinton Kamakaka, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Pamela A. Silver, Drew Endy
Fungal Biology and Biotechnology volume 7, Article number: 2 (2020)

2019-11-12 01:16:30

iGem 2019



Kate participated in 2019 iGem Jamboree as a judge and as an adviser to the amazing Brown - Stanford - Princeton iGem team, supporting the Astropharmacy project.

2019-10-17 01:08:06

SynCell EU

Kate represented Build-a-Cell community at the SynCell EU meeting in Madrid. 








2019-10-16 01:32:19

NSTC Interagency Synthetic Biology Workshop

Kate represented Build-a-Cell at the NSTC Interagency Synthetic Biology Workshop


2019-10-06 00:59:01

new publication

Preprint DNA transistors switched by the Hofmeister effect;
Tanner G. Hoog, Matthew R. Pawlak, Lauren M. Aufdembrink, Benjamin R. Bachan, Matthew B. Galles, Nicholas B. Bense, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Aaron E. Engelhart

2019-09-09 01:35:48

EBRC Global Forum For Engineering Biology: Initial Review Of Synthetic Biology National Strategies

Kate represented Build-a-Cell community at the EBRC Global Forum For Engineering Biology: Initial Review Of Synthetic Biology National Strategies


2019-08-29 19:20:47

Liposome calculation tool

We published interactive spreadsheet for liposome math: volyume, size, encapsulation rate and liposome numbers.

2019-08-16 01:38:48

Build-a-Cell Workshop #5

Kate, Judee and Wakana participated in Build-a-Cell Workshop #6 in Boston.









2019-08-09 01:43:44


Kate gave talk at DNA25 in Seattle.









2019-08-05 18:55:29

Origins of Life: Chemical Comminalties - Early Metabolisms - An Introduction course 'Origins of Life
Origins of Life: Chemical Comminalties - Early Metabolisms - An Introduction by Kate Adamala.

2019-07-31 01:50:53

Designer Biology

Kate gave talk at the Designer Biology: From proteins and cells to scaffolds & materials; in Newcastle UK





2019-07-30 02:10:49

Mindscape podcast

Kate's episode on Sean Carroll's Mindscape podcast is live.









2019-07-25 01:45:17


Kate gave talk at the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution annual meeting in Manchester, UK


2019-07-19 18:09:40

new publication

Biology on sample size of more than one
Kate Adamala
MIT University Press, July 2019, p.4-4

2019-07-04 02:20:53

SEED 2019 - Build-a-Cell

Interview with Kate about Build-a-Cell


2019-06-28 02:26:25

Interplanetary Festival

Kate participated in origin of life panel at the Interplanetary Festival in Santa Fe.







2019-06-25 02:21:57

SEED 2019

Kate organized Build-a-Cell session at SEED 2019.





2019-05-29 18:46:20

Life, But Not Alive: Breakthrough Discuss 2019

Breakthrough Discuss 2019 was held at UC Berkeley April 11-12, 2019. The theme, “Migration of Life in the Universe,” brought together an all-star group of astronomers, biologists, chemists and other experts to discuss whether and how primitive life can move between planets and stars, and if that is how life began on Earth.
Kate Adamala | Life, But Not Alive: Breakthrough Discuss 2019 .

2019-04-30 17:28:22

OoLALA seminar

Kate participated in OoLALA seminar series, talking about minimal life.

2019-04-17 17:25:35

FNANO 2019

Kate gave seminar at Foundations Of Nanoscience:  Self-Assembled Architectures And Devices (Fnano19).

2019-04-12 17:21:29

Breakthrough Discuss

Kate, Aaron, Joe, Tanner, Judee and Wakana participated in 2019 Breakthrough Discuss meeting.

2019-03-29 22:55:02

New publication

Evolthon: A community endeavor to evolve lab evolution;
Sivan Kaminski Strauss, (...) Katarzyna P. Adamala, (...), Orna Dahan, Yitzhak Pilpel;
Plos Biology,;
local copy  
publisher website link

2019-02-09 17:09:33

Build-a-Cell Workshop #4

Kate, Nathan and Chris participated in Build-a-Cell Workshop #4.

2018-12-17 16:58:15

The Leap to Life

Our lab is proud to be a part of new Templeton Foundation team to study chemical emergence of life.

Exploring the informational transitions bridging simple chemistry and minimal life

2018-11-30 02:31:12

SeMiSynBio kick-off meeting

Kate presents at the kick-off meeting for the SemiSynBio project, talking about biocomputing using synthetic cells.

2018-11-23 02:17:13

Artificial cells gain communication skills

Great editorial in Science intorducing new, exciting paper and highlighting interesting aspects of building synthetic cells.

2018-11-16 02:24:18

ASU-SFI Theory in Origins of Life Working Group

Kate participated in the ASU-SFI Theory in Origins of Life Working Group in Phoenix.

2018-11-08 01:50:43

science fair

Nathan, Lauren, Joe, Matt and Adam brough in vitro transcription demo to science fair at Andersen United Community School.

2018-11-07 02:09:19

How biologists are creating life-like cells from scratch

Excellen editorial in Nature, describing rationale of engineering synthetic life, and the most common approaches to various problems we're facing en route to a ynthetic cell.

Local copy pdf

2018-10-30 02:20:11

Exploring life's origins

Kate went to Santa Fe Institute Workshop "Major Transitions in Life: Origins to Translations", a kick-off meeting for Exploring life's origins project at Santa Fe Institute.

2018-10-14 04:15:32

new publication

Catalysis of Template-Directed Nonenzymatic RNA Copying by Iron (II);
Lin Jin, Aaron E. Engelhart, Weicheng Zhang, Katarzyna Adamala, Jack W. Szostak
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140, 44, 15016-15021, 

2018-09-29 02:15:48

Synthetic Biology for Defense Workshop

Kate presented at Synthetic Biology for Defense Workshop in Arlington, Virginia.

2018-09-17 01:53:21

Jose won HHMI fellowship

Congratulations for Jose Alejo, he was named this year's Hanna H. Gray Fellow by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.
Hanna Gray Fellows

2018-08-30 01:59:56

BaSyC symposium

Kate presented at 1st International Symposium on Building a Synthetic Cell , amazing meeting dedicated to construction of synthetic cells.

2018-08-29 01:09:09

New publication

Real-Time Visualization of in Vitro Transcription of a Fluorescent RNA Aptamer: An Experiment for the Upper-Division Undergraduate or First-Year Graduate Laboratory;
Joseph M. Heili, Jose Gomez-Garcia, Nathaniel J. Gaut, Brock W. Cash, Lauren M. Aufdembrink, Brent A. Heffron, Joshua D. Shirley, Erin E. Carlson, Katarzyna P. Adamala, and Aaron E. Engelhart
J. Chem. Educ.,, 2018, 95 (10), pp 1867–1871; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00735
local copy pdf publisher website

2018-08-06 02:06:32

Build-A-Cell workshop #3

We hosted Build-a-Cell Workshop #3 in Minneapolis.
Amazing group of people discussing ways to make life.

2018-07-22 02:10:34

The Next Revolution: Genome Engineering 2018

Kate presented at Annual Conference of the Genome Writers Guild

2018-07-17 02:25:13


Our lab is part of a new project to support large scale developement of biocomputing technologies, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC).

2018-06-21 01:45:39

synthetic cells in space!

Our synthetic cell experiment launched today at NASA Wallops!
The take off was luckily uneventfull, we're excited to start analyzing data now.

2018-05-23 02:07:06

Three Minute Thesis

Congratulations to Nathan Gaut for winning second place in the UMn 3MT finals!

2018-05-14 02:07:34

NSF Synthetic and Artificial Cells Workshop

Kate attended NSF Synthetic and Artificial Cells Workshop in Alexandria VA.

2018-05-11 02:10:34

Synthetic Biology USA Congress

Kate gave talk on bioengineering with synthetic cell at 3rd Synthetic Biology USA Congress

2018-02-07 16:48:12

New publication

Preparation, Purification, and Use of Fatty Acid-containing Liposomes;
Lin Jin*, Aaron E. Engelhart*, Katarzyna P. Adamala1, Jack W. Szostak;
JoVE, (132), e57324, 2018, doi:10.3791/57324;
local copy pdf
publisher website link

2018-02-02 17:04:27

Build-a-Cell Workshop #2

Kate and Brock were attending Build-a-Cell #2 Workshop, hosted at Stanford.

2017-12-23 17:15:20

What is life podcast

Kate participated in What is life conversation about origins and earliest evolution of life , led by Carl Zimmer at Caveat in New York City.

2017-12-01 20:10:24

Princeton Envision

Kate talked and run a workshop at 2017 Envision meeting at Princeton.

2017-11-09 20:05:56

iGem 2017

Kate is judging 2017 iGem during 2017 Giant Jamboree in Boston.

2017-10-09 20:21:47

NASA Biomimicry

Kate talked about synthetic cell technologies for biomimicry at Nature-Inspired Exploration for Aerospace Summit  at  Ohio Aerospace Institute.

2017-10-06 20:18:50

Cell mediated therapy

Kate visited Abbvie to talk about using synthetic cells for cell-mediate therapy.

2017-09-04 15:42:26

EON Workshop on Universal Biology

Kate was a speaker at EON Workshop on Universal Biology at ELSI in Tokyo.

2017-08-06 22:06:09


Kate was a speaker at Fab13 Symposium during Fab13 meeting in Santiago, Chile.


2017-07-30 02:20:28

From chemicals to life: Scientists try to build cells from scratch

Interesting summary of the origins of Build-a-Cell initiative.

2017-07-20 23:37:25

ISSOL 2017

Kate gave a talk, and various lab members had names on few posters during XVIIIth International Conference on the Origin of Life

2017-07-13 23:36:35

Genetic circuits in synthetic cells

Kate published commentary on using synthetic cells to prototype cell circuits in Cell Systems journal. 

Local copy pdf

2017-07-10 17:30:10

Personalized medicine

Kate's Medium post Why should we personalize medicine?

2017-06-30 22:45:00

new publication


What Is the Role of Circuit Design in the Advancement of Synthetic Biology?
Wong, Wilson; Tan, Cheemeng; Adamala, Kate; Xia, Xiaoxia; Erb, Tobias; Chatterjee, Abhishek;
Cell systems, 2017 4 6 579-580

2017-06-16 04:51:21


Kate is giving a talk, and Nathan is presenting a poster at SB7, The Seventh International Meeting on Synthetic Biology in Singapore.

2017-06-11 04:58:05

Visit to Tsinghua University

Kate and Aaron are visiting Ting Zhu at Tsinghua University in Beijing. 

2017-06-09 05:04:29

New Lab member

Welcome Brock Cash to the lab!

2017-04-26 05:22:14

Brains on! podcast

Aaron and Kate did NPR podcast on the origin of life - Brains on!

2017-04-20 16:40:42

Innovations in Biology - Advancing Biomanufacturing

Kate gave a talk, while Joe and Nathan presented posters at Grand Challenges Vision Symposium Innovations in Biology - Advancing Biomanufacturing

2017-04-19 12:01:24

Congratulations Jose!

Jose Gomez-Garcia won 2nd place poster presentation prize at CBS Postdoc Symposium.

2017-04-09 01:05:29

New publication

Small and Random Peptides: An Unexplored Reservoir of Potentially Functional Primitive Organocatalysts. The Case of Seryl-Histidine;
Rafal Wieczorek, Katarzyna Adamala, Tecla Gasperi, Fabio Polticelli and  Pasquale Stano;
Life, 2017, doi:10.3390/life7020019;
local copy pdf
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2017-03-01 00:44:48

New Lab member

Welcome Kei Takahashi to the lab!

2017-02-01 15:54:33

Biological Complexity: Can it be Quantified?

Kate at Physics of Living Matter workshop at the Beyond Center, ASU.

2017-01-30 15:59:06


Kate at UCSF, seminar, "Life but not alive: building a cell from scratch"

2017-01-17 15:59:57

Ask Me Anything about synthetic cells

Reddit AMA on synthetic minimal cells, answering questions from the public about our work.
AskScience AMA Synthetic Cells.

2017-01-06 16:02:39

TEDx Talk on Synthetic life

Kate presented concept of building synthetic minimal cells, with its biotechnological, biomedical and basic science implications, in a TEDx talk "Life but not alive".

2016-12-20 16:09:29

New lab member

Welcome Joe Heili to the lab!

2016-11-14 02:03:42

New publication

Engineering genetic circuit interactions within and between synthetic minimal cells;
Katarzyna P. Adamala*, Daniel A. Martin-Alarcon*, Katriona R. Guthrie-Honea, Edward S. Boyden;
Nature Chemistry, 9, 431-439, 2017, doi:10.1038/nchem.2644; *equal contribution
publisher website link
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2016-11-09 16:10:07

Masonic Cancer Center

Our lab become affiliated with the Masonic Canter Center.
We're proud to become part of this amazing research community.

2016-10-24 16:11:38

Synthetic cells in the news

So we are working on building "simplified cells" now. Associated Press noticed (local copy pdf).
So did MPR news (local copy pdf).

2016-10-15 16:13:35

New Lab member

Welcome Jose Gomez-Garcia to the lab!

2016-10-01 23:13:31

New publication

A simple physical mechanism enables homeostasis in primitive cells A. E. Engelhart*, K. Adamala*, and J. W. Szostak;
Nature Chemistry, 2016, doi:10.1038/nchem.2475; *equal contribution
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2016-09-22 16:14:29


Kate at BioHack the Planet!

2016-09-19 03:26:44

New publication

Astrobiology Primer 2.0.;
Domagal-Goldman and Wright et al. (includes chapter editor K.P.Adamala)
Astrobiology, 2016, 16(8):561-653. doi:10.1089/ast.2015.1460
publisher website link

2016-09-01 20:27:43

RNA supergroup

Our lab become member of the University of Minnesota RNA Supergroup.

2016-08-14 16:15:50


How to grow almost Anything?
HTGAA Class is back in 2016. More students, more sites.

2016-08-09 21:10:41

Spatial multiplexing for multisignal cellular imaging

G Xu, E Boyden, KD Piatkevich, K Adamala
US Patent App. 15/099,232, 2016
outside link

2016-08-09 21:01:32

Pumilio Domain-based Modular Protein Architecture for RNA Binding

ES Boyden, KP Adamala, DA Martin-Alarcon
US Patent App. 14/995,169
outside link

2016-08-01 16:18:43

FAB 2.0

The theme of the 12th international Fab Lab conference in Shenzhen, China, is fab labs that make fab labs: systems that makes systems, applying the biology concept of self-replicating systems into the fabrication world.

Kate is giving a talk on synthetic life during the plenary Symposium.
What if we build life instead of growing?
Or what if we grow machines instead of building?

2016-05-02 03:29:12

New Publication

Programmable RNA-binding protein composed of repeats of a single modular unit;
Katarzyna P. Adamala*, Daniel A. Martin-Alarcon*, and Edward S. Boyden;
PNAS, 2016, 10.1073/pnas.1519368113; *equal contribution
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2016-04-20 03:28:23

TEDx talk

Kate speaks at TEDxEsteeLauderCompanies event at MoMA in New York City.

2016-03-21 03:30:50

New publication

Collaboration between primitive cell membranes and soluble catalysts;
K. Adamala*, A. E. Engelhart* and J. W. Szostak;
Nature Communications, 2016, doi:10.1038/ncomms11041; *equal contribution
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2015-11-12 16:21:05

Floating FAB LAB Amazon

The FabLab Lima and Konrad Adenauer Foundation organised workshop Floating FAB LAB Amazon.
We discussed the opportunities for using synthetic minimal cells as biosensors in the Floating FabLab on the Amazon river.

2015-09-06 16:22:36

Fab Academy meets synthetic biology.

Introducing How To Grow (Almost) Anything
The first synth bio FabLab Academy includes Kate's unit on synthetic minimal cells.

2015-07-09 03:43:12

New publication

Generation of Functional RNAs from Inactive Oligonucleotide Complexes by Non-enzymatic Primer Extension;
K. Adamala*, A. E. Engelhart* and J. W. Szostak;
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137 (1), pp 483 - 489, DOI: 10.1021/ja511564d; *equal contribution
local copy pdf
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2015-02-12 03:46:44

New publication

Construction of a Liposome Dialyzer for preparation of high-value, small-volume liposome formulations;
K. Adamala*, A. E. Engelhart*, N. Kamat, L. Jin and J. W. Szostak;
Nature Protocols, 2015, 10(6), pp 927-938; *equal contribution
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2014-05-25 03:56:19

New publication

Open questions in origin of life: experimental studies on the origin of nucleic acids and proteins with specific and functional sequences by a chemical synthetic biology approach;
Adamala K, Anella F, Wieczorek R, Stano P, Chiarabelli C, Luisi PL;
Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2014;9:e201402004
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2013-11-01 03:51:45

New publication

Non-enzymatic template-directed RNA synthesis inside model protocells;
K. Adamala and J.W. Szostak,
Science 342 (2013) 1098 - 1100;
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© Adamala lab, unless otherwise specified